Saturday, August 31, 2019

Summary: Vaccine and Young Girls

Rosario Y. Lopez Mrs. Walker ENG. 1301 November 02, 2012 Summary #1: HPV Vaccine Texas Tyranny Mike Adams essay, â€Å"HPV Vaccine Texas Tyranny†, demonstrates that the order made by Rick Perry, bypassing all the legislatures, to mandate the vaccination of young girls with the HPV vaccine sold by Merck, one of his contributors in his campaign, is absolutely worthless and an outright fraud. (445-447) Adams assumes that reality of all this situation is the push of profits. Adams starts to support his argument by exposing the question â€Å"why don’t pledge to give all their vaccines free of charge? (446) and he answered it with the phrase â€Å"This is all about money, not public health. †(Adams 446) What is actually happening in Texas is the beginning a form of medical tyranny, declares Adams. If people let Texas get away of this problem, more states will follow it and Merck will convince other governors to do the same actions and calling it â€Å"public healthà ¢â‚¬ . (446) Also, Adams suggest us fight this tyranny by exposing it; and there is a lot of ways to do it, such as, posting the cartoon in our web sites, making t-shirts, linking the article with others friends, etc. He wants us to take action of the young girls care.Adams debate is not only about the vaccine and the medical tyranny: it is about our health freedom to a medical system. He defends his thinking with the studies of others industries. Adams explained us that the cervical cancer is prevented in a hundred other ways. â€Å"It is really just a grand moneymaking scheme that exploits the bodies of young girls, marked to look like compassionate health care†, (447) concludes Adams. Males, Mike. †HPV Vaccine Texas Tyranny. † Perspectives on Contemporary Issues: Readings Across the Disciplines. 2006. 6e. Ed. Katherine Anne Ackley. Boston: Wadsworth/ Cengage Learning, 2012. 446-448. Print.

Friday, August 30, 2019

2nd Amendment Paper

When I think about the dreams of the founders I think about the amendments. These amendments represented their core beliefs. When I think about that I look at society and think how well have the amendments been followed. In a sense most of the amendments have been followed well, but in the last 20 or 30 years that has been declining rapidly. The 1st amendment, probably the easiest to follow is being silently fought. Now it may not be illegal to say something but by the time you say it you might have wished it was.People are beat to a bloody pulp because their opinion of the president, or even worse their favorite sports team. What has this nation come to when we beat a living person to a bloody pulp for the sports team that they like! I think we need to take a step back and look at ourselves for a second. The 2nd amendment is our first freedom. For the last 100 years people have slowly been trying to tax and regulate our right and freedom to bear arms. The 2nd amendment states that t heir should be a militia ready for times of war. It does not say an army, a militia.If I remember correctly the definition of militia is a military force raised by civilians to take place of an army in an emergency. Now how are we supposed to act like a military force, if the law abiding citizens of this country cannot buy a basic infantryman's rifle. Yes you can buy a modified version, but we should be able to buy any type of firearm we would like, because it is our right and our freedom. This amendment isn't about no duck hunting. It's about the people's right, freedom, and ability to protect themselves and their country. The 3rd amendment Is our freedom of religion.In this day and age christianity is frowned upon, at the time of our founders christianity represented the core belief system of almost every man, woman, and child. Nowadays you have atheists making it illegal to display any signs of religion, you want to put a nativity scene in front of your house, so sorry you probab ly need a permit for that, or its against your city ordnance. You want to have a christmas party at the local town/city green, no problem, only you need to call it a winter party, winter holiday party, or non denominational festive celebration, pretty insane.To make matters worse we have a president, a president the leader of a country whose motto is â€Å"IN GOD WE TRUST† is supporting the beliefs of Islam, a country who believes that America is satan. You know its bad when we have a muslim president. The constitution has been changed and twisted so much that I bet the founders are doing backflips in their graves. In a society were the sacred organization of marriage is being laughed at and challenged day to day, this isn't just a political challenge its a virtue, and morality challenge as well.This country was founded on good, christian values and after the influence of God and the Holy Ghost. Christopher Columbus talks about a calm and spiritual feeling coming over him as he studied his maps and sailed on the open waters. There is no question that God had a hand in the founding of this country. At the time of Columbus, Asia had all the necessary means and resources to sail to the new world, and almost did. But Columbus did first and opened the path for God's country, the light set on a hill.When this countries core belief system is attacked we must defend it, and if it fails we are in deep trouble. The day we take God out of everything is the day we are utterly and absolutely screwed. The founders knew that God must be at the center of our lives and that we must show Godlike attributes for this country to succeed, the amendments did a pretty good job of following the ten commandments if you think about it, for example the 2nd amendment may have something to do with those commandments that talk about coveting, and stealing?Although there are things wrong with America, and although it is painful to say there are a lot of things wrong but at then end of the day this is still the place, the Country chosen above all other countries to be an ensign unto all nations. To be the place where that great Lord Jesus the Christ will return again, where every knee shall bow and every tongue confess. Although we may be going through some rough times in America we must see the light at the end of the tunnel. When Thomas Jefferson said that there must be a separation of church and state I don't think he realized what trouble he would cause years down the road.People now think that that statement means that we must take God out of all Politics and Government, the people who believe this are sadly and utterly WRONG. The statement that Thomas Jefferson made in a letter to a friend, not even in the Constitution, stated that we must not allow the Government control the Church, and not allow the Church to control the Government. We now see what happens when people take things out of context. This country is a beautiful one and still offers more than a ny other country in the world, but that is slowly decaying, and we are rapidly becoming more and more like, other countries in the world.We must return to the founders first dream, illustrated in the amendments and expressed in their letters and personal documents. We must not remove God from our lives, when we do we decay morally and spiritually and we as a society will slowly but surely spiral out of control. God still loves us and this country. He loves us no matter what, and though we may be going through a rough time in America's history, it will all be for our profit and learning, there is a light at the end of the tunnel, and boy it is a bright and glorious one.This is his country, he inspired Columbus in his studying to find this country. He inspired the founders, to go against the tight grip of England, and write a constitution and declare independence. He inspired the writers and signers of the declaration of independence, to defy a nation and become an even stronger natio n, full of love, and freedom. Now in this our darkest time we abandon our God, yet we need to remember that he has not abandoned us. The founders knew that a day would come when the constitution would be challenged, now its up to us as a nation to defend their dream.We must not give up as a nation, or even as individuals, at the end of the day there is no collective salvation, we must teach our families and our children the correct way of living, a Godlike way of living. We must try first to show faith, hope and charity to ourselves, and then our family, before we can try it as a nation. That is what we need, faith, hope, and charity. That was what the founders wanted to tell us. We must show faith hope and charity. No free government hand-outs.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Does GDP describes your personal economic well being Essay

Does GDP describes your personal economic well being - Essay Example The term can be mathematically expressed as equal total investment, government and consumer expenditure, plus the exports value, minus the imports value. The GDP of a country can be determined using the following three approaches; which should all provide similar results; the output or product approach, the expenditure approach, and the income approach (Walter, 2000). The product approach is the most direct and totals the outputs of each category to come up with the total. Expenditure approach is guided by the principle that every product has to be purchased by an individual, thus people’s overall spending must equal total product value. Lastly, the income approach basically works on the rule that earnings of productive factors should be equal to their product value and it determines GDP by totaling all of the producers’ earnings. Well being refers to the feeling of being happy, healthy and comfortable according to Kathleen and Thesia, (2005). However, this depends with what we do with it since it is evident that usually people may feel well in various different ways. In most cases, factors to be considered include social environment, surrounding (house), health and personal realization which include hobbies and work place, to determine well being. However, some people tend to think it is impossible to feel well with no swimming pool, a Porsche, or a ticket to travel round the world in a year. Thus, well being begins at the moment one has and can do what he thinks is fit for himself. Parts of well being can determine if you can have something or not same as the structural behavior determines the possibility of receiving something or being accepted to do so. Thus, one of the features of human’s well being is structural behavior. This term generally refers to a state of people having adequate resources to satisfy their needs. It can also be referred to fiscal

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The Support of Smoking Bans in ALL Public Places Essay

The Support of Smoking Bans in ALL Public Places - Essay Example This report approves that while there have been more restrictions places on cigarette advertisements in recent years, by using product placement in films, tobacco companies can still subtly promote their wares to the public, many of whom are children. The depiction of smoking or the presence of tobacco products needs to be eliminated from any media outlet that is designed to reach children and young adults. Smoking is a global phenomenon. Humans have been consuming tobacco smoke for millennia. But in a modern society where the health risks and negative social consequences of smoking are more, smoking has no place in the public lives of our citizens. Smoking should be banned from all public places. This essay makes a conclusion that smoking should be banned from public places because it is addictive. By allowing smoking in public, our society is implicitly stating that smoking is really acceptable, or that it is a matter of personal choice. By banning smoking from public, our society will state that smoking is something that should not be done in a public place because of the damage it inflicts on our society and the health of individuals. A full ban on smoking in all places is necessary, not a partial or piecemeal ban. The health of workers in all public places needs to be protected. It would not be fair to force some workers to work in environments where second hand smoke is present, while protecting other workers from this same risk. The law must be uniform to ensure the health and safety of all workers and patrons alike.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Medical law Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Medical law - Essay Example The only exception to this case is when Clare comes from or resides in Northern Ireland or any other, state or region that is outside the United Kingdom mainland. Secondly, the reason Clare and Sarah’s advance to have the pregnancy terminated is valid, given that it is based on the baby’s susceptibility to incur disability and the mother’s ability to biologically handle the pregnancy. The Abortion Act of 1967 indeed qualifies a high probability of the baby developing medical conditions and the vulnerability of the mother to health risks as conditions that independently validate grounds for therapeutic abortion. It is important that Clare ensures that she procures the abortion in a specialist licensed clinic or in a licensed hospital. Secondly, Clare should ensure that at least two physicians analyse her situation and agree that the abortion procedure will cause less damage to Clare’s mental and physical health than a situation in which Clare carries the baby. At the moment, Clare has to be aware of the fact that the Abortion Act of 1967 respects the sanctity of her choice as an independent individual. This means that the final decision to terminate the pregnancy fully rests upon her decision and free will. The import of this is that the standpoint that others such as Ian, Sarah and Rose may have towards Clare’s choice may be immaterial, the degree of biological affiliation that any of these parties may have with the child, notwithstanding. Likewise, it is to be brought to Clare’s attention that Ian’s act of disclosing her medical details and history is a criminal offence which is punishable by law. The decision to grant Ian pardon or to launch a legal case against Ian will therefore remain a matter of personal discretion. Ian, (note that) your commitments to ethics as the grounds on which you object Clare’s resolution to procure an abortion are commendable. However, I would like to bring your

Monday, August 26, 2019

Punic war and its influence on roman domination of mediterranean Essay

Punic war and its influence on roman domination of mediterranean - Essay Example The Romans developed a system of written communication and numbers that are still in use today and, with this ability to record information, were also able to develop elaborate feats of technology. They introduced the concept of civil engineering and developed many new forms of architectural design such as the Roman arch. They were able to exert this type of long-range influence thanks largely to their successes experienced during the Punic Wars. To understand the tremendous influence the Romans were able to garner out of these victories, it is necessary to have some background into the three wars that are collectively referred to as the Punic Wars, the reach of this influence and the way in which this influence managed to dominate the thinking and culture of what has become known as the ‘Western’ world. The first Punic War was fought on the island of Sicily in 264 BC (Hooker, 1996). However, the beginning of the war seems somewhat confused. â€Å"Carthage occupied the Sicilian town of Massana in 264 BC, after the Mamertines, a group of mercenaries, appealed to Carthage for help against Hiero II, king of Syracuse (a Sicilian city-state). This concerned Rome, since Massana is in the northeast corner of Sicili, very near the Greek towns of Italy which fell under Roman protection. Once the problem with Heiro II was solved, the Mamertines appealed to Rome for aid in fighting off the Carthaginians† (Stackhouse, 2007). While Carthage looked forward to winning a new port placed in an ideal position for achieving domination over the entire Mediterranean, Rome felt winning the city would provide them with a strong location for land defense. â€Å"Although the two powers had no quarrel before, they also had no shared racial or cultural heritage† (Stackhouse, 2007). With Rome bes ieging the cities, Carthage opted to break

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Development of Fashion Design in Twenty Century Research Paper

The Development of Fashion Design in Twenty Century - Research Paper Example The paper "The Development of Fashion Design in Twenty Century" explores the 20th-century fashion design development. The development of fashion design involves the development of the industry of fashion that is responsible in designing accessories and clothing. This industry was depended on fashion houses and firms that are governed by specific designers. This industry started in the 19th century by one designer who had his label sewn in the created garments (Whitten 15). Starting from trees, and leaves to what people experience now in fashion world, the history of fashion design was influenced by many factors changing over to the twenty century. In attempts to unravel the historical trends in fashion and design, this paper explores the development of Fashion Design in the Twenty Century. The design started by the dress maker to the Queen of France who could be described to have started the fashion transition from some few dress makers to fine designers with a highly valued profile. This was referred to as the fashion minister as a sarcasm since she established one shop around Paris with a collection that was greatly influenced by the Parisian style. This trend continued up to when the trend was altered by the revolution of the French that made the renowned designer to flee to exile in London. In whatever appears like the modern sense, Charles Frederick from Paris has been reported as the first designer, who had a huge business that employed different anonymous seamstresses, and tailors.

Arrival of Irishmen to Work under Philip Duffy Essay

Arrival of Irishmen to Work under Philip Duffy - Essay Example This discrimination along with a lot of other reasons, economic and social should have prevented the journey of fifty-seven Irish laborers to the United States of America to assist in the construction of a railroad by an American contractor named Philip Duffy. All of them succumbed to death by cholera; recent evidence indicates that many of them may have been murdered (O’ Carroll). Most of them were not granted proper funerals, an event which highlighted the low esteem in which people of Ireland and Catholic nations, in general, were held, in the early nineteenth century. These forms of discrimination along with the spread of Asiatic cholera, a disease which had turned into a pandemic affecting large areas of Europe and America in the 1830s and the subsequent decades, was reason enough for the laborers to not have gone to the United States of America. A lasting cure for this was found out later on (Thomas), but the condition of cheap labor in America would have been the reason for anybody to be cautious. Proper medical facilities were not provided to this man and their lives were often at the risk of being taken by cholera. The condition of the Irish laborers in America was often worse than that of the slaves in America since their wages hardly sufficed for them to afford decent lodgings and good food (Watson, 32). This, along with the threat of disease, meant that the journey to the United States of America was fraught with danger for the Irishmen who worked for Duffy and they undertook it with great peril to their health and eventually, their lives. This alone should have deterred them from their journey to America. The journey that was undertaken by these people should not have materialized, if they had considered the immense risks that it involved, to their lives. The socio-political concerns of the American state were not humanitarian enough to provide safety to these laborers. During this phase, the United States of America, along with other states in Europe, were engaged in improving the state of infrastructure in their countries. Therefore, the safety and well-being of their workers, poor Catholic immigrants at that, was not of primary importance to the American state. It is probably because of this reason that enough payments were not made to Duffy for the building of the railroad that was assigned to him, a part of the Philadelphia and Columbia Railroad. In a situation where he did not have sufficient resources, it is believed that he chose to let the laborers bear the brunt of the lack of money, that is, to place them in circumstances that were more likely to push them into being victims of cholera, which they eventually did (ibid, 65). The 1830s was also the decade which saw a raging debate in England regarding the reform bills that were to give more rights to the Catholics of Ireland. This created a polarizing effect in other parts of the world, especially in America, which still was close, politically to England (Robe rts, 689-90). This led to the prejudices against the Catholics to deepen and take a more aggressive turn.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

International bussiness performance appraisal Essay

International bussiness performance appraisal - Essay Example The elements of benchmarking notably considered are time, quality and cost (Schiffauerova and Thomson, 2006, pg. 650). Benchmarking involves a methodology whereby the management of a firm identifies the leading companies in the industry then compares and contrasts their processes with those of their own. Benchmarking employs several methods, but all of them are geared to enabling the company achieve a competitive advantage over its rivals. In evaluating how benchmarking can be used in measuring the performance of the organisation, there are three key aspects and issues that relate to benchmarking. This includes why organisations should engage in benchmarking, the scope and limitations of benchmarking and the possible solutions. In tackling these key aspects, a business will know whether to use benchmarking and how to use it best (Goetsch and Davis, 2014, pg. 9). Benchmarking as an appraisal mechanism offers various advantages to the firm executing the approach. One of the key benefits that accrue to a firm when benchmarking is the performance improvement. Benchmarking sets the basis of performance development intended for facilitating competitiveness. In the quest for finding ways to outperform competitors, benchmarking ensures the fundamental survival of any business. Moreover, Camp (2003, pg. 29) suggests that benchmarking identifies best practices in the industry then establishes what comprises better-quality performance. The process of also benchmarking enumerates the gap between the actual performance and the anticipated performance thereby instituting real objective facts about the business. Consequently, this provides the business entity with what improvement entails and the rationale to improve (Dragolea and Cotirlea, 2009, pg. 820). Benchmarking also helps organisations to focus on transformation and presents the direction for the transformation process. Organisational

Friday, August 23, 2019

Performance Measurement System Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Performance Measurement System - Assignment Example Based on these explanations, it would be appreciated that using relevant data instead of convenient data for any performance-measurement system ensures that the outcome of the system will be one that directly reflects exactly what needs to be measured. For example when measuring competence of employees, their graduate scores may be convenient as these may be readily available. However, given the time elapse from time of graduation to the current state however, it would be relevant to use newly collected data about employees that reflect their current state of competence and performance. One of the major reasons most HR managers have preferred the use of convenient data over relevant data is that they find it more costly in terms of resources and time used to gather relevant data. Few (2007) however warned that there are several negative impacts that come with the use of wrong data in any organizational set up. The first challenge is that it is not possible to get the right frame of employee performance based on their current state of work. Using the same example given earlier, it could be that someone who came to the organization with first class has now relented in productivity but another who came with third class has picked up a lot of experience and thus improved in work output. When such old data which are considered convenient but wrong are used, it will be very difficult to get the true present state of performance. What is worse, there are long term direct impact of using wrong data on the organization. For example such wrong data can lead to wrong placemen t of employees, which can also lead to poor delivery of work because employees may not be conversant with placements given to them (Becker, Huselid & Ulrich, 2001). This situation could also be the cause of lower productivity, which will affect profitability and growth negatively. For any typical

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Soccer Essay Example for Free

Soccer Essay Neymar da silva santos junior Neymar is a Brazilian football players he is one of the most popular and best football player in the word and he is only twenty years old. He play in Santos CF but he has offers of the best football clubs around the word he is the most wanted player in Europe and he is probably the future of the national team. He start playing football very young and in 2003 Neymar join Santos football club academy, at the age of 15 he earn 10,000 real per month. In 2009 he earn the opportunity to be in the first team of Santos CF. Then he start to show his real potential and he became the new idol of Brazil. This young player of just 4 years of his professional career has achieve a lot of goals and he has earn a lot of trophies like the silver medal of the Olympic games and the best player of the paulista championship in 2012. The only problem with Neymar is that he doesn? t want to emigrate to Europe yet he wants to stay in Brazil but as Pele said ? If he want to be the best he must be with the best? o he must emigrate to Europe that’s what most people think and that may happen this winter and in my opinion if Neymar decide to emigrate to Europe he can be better than Messi, Maradona and even Pele who is the greatest football player in history. References http://www. squidoo. com/Neymar#module147735293, Copyright  © 2012, Squidoo, LLC and respective copyright owners http://www. neymaroficial. com/Carreira, Copyright 2012. Site Oficial do Jogador Neymar Jr | desenvolvido por Insanemedia / WooW! Brasil | marketing digita http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Neymar

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Development Of Cyber Stalking

The Development Of Cyber Stalking Stalking is a criminal act that occurs when the offender repeatedly imposes unwanted disturbances and communications to victims by using premeditation to the extent of provoking fear for their safety (Pathe Mullen, 1997). Oddly, at first these acts can be seen as kind towards the victim, from an observers point of view. For example, it does not appear to be threatening at all when someone leaves messages, sends gifts and shows up in places where the victim habitually hangs around (Purcell, Pathe Mullen, 2004). However, if a person is trying to build-up a relationship that another person does not want to experience, (such as with a former partner, a famous person, or a professional) this results in intimidation and is considered as stalking (Regehr, n.d.). Stalking varies from harassing and threatening victims by following and tracking them, appearing at their doorstep or workplace, collecting photos and or videos of the target, making unwanted phone calls, sending gifts, letters and e-mails, intercepting any mail, and vandalizing property. Unluckily in the worst of cases stalking includes the threatening of victims families and friends, physical assault, and the kidnapping and holding of hostages (Regehr, n.d.). With the advances in technology and innovative equipment that fills our daily lives, crime is infiltrating into society by using cyberspace. The traditional stalker is now a cyber-stalker and essentially his/her grounds are limitless. In addition, the stalker now has no face because the comfort of using Information Technology enables the criminal to quietly stay indoors and carry-on with ones crimes anonymously and at a low cost. Although cyber stalking still uses the harassment principles as in traditional stalking, their victims are now found online. The cyber stalker now uses emails, internet, and chat rooms as his/her hunting grounds (Thapa, Kumar, 2011) and the growing social networks which many users subscribe to such as Facebook are the sources of feed which stalkers are looking for (Regehr, n.d.). This ease of internet tools at disposal and the belief that cyber stalkers cannot be physically touched in cyberspace (Jaishankar Sankary, 2006) has increased this crime. This is because the internet provides a vast choice of suitable targets, and a low chance of being caught or tracked down due to lack of guardianship online. Thus, the motivated offender is likely to engage in cyber stalking as the routine activity theory explains (Pitarro, 2011). Cyber stalking Bocjj (2002) defines cyber stalking as: A group of behaviours in which an individual, group of individuals or organisation, uses information and communications technology to harass another individual, group of individuals or organisation. Such behaviours may include, but are not limited to, the transmission of threats and false accusations, damage to data or equipment, identity theft, data theft, computer monitoring, the solicitation of minors for sexual purposes and any form of aggression. There are three subcategories of cyber stalking: e-mail stalking, internet stalking, and computer stalking. E-mail stalking is the act of repetitively sending hate, obscene, or threatening mail, or in other cases involves the sending of viruses and electronic junk mail. This results in an unwelcome and intimidating invasion into private space. Internet stalking on the other hand goes rather public, since it consists of using the web in-order to stalk. Computer stalking is the act of using the internet and other software in-order to obtain control of the victims computer. In this type of stalking, the stalker communicates directly as soon as the target computer uses the internet, forcing the victim to disconnect and/or reconnect through a new line if s/he wants to evade the harassment (Ogilvie, 2000). Stalker characteristics, types, and motives The stalker may be on the other side of the earth, a neighbour, or even a relative. In addition, cyber stalkers are usually mature in age, have a good educational level, a stable job, and are usually Caucasian (Bocij McFarlane, 2002). Research literature also suggests that many cyber stalkers have a prior criminal record, a history of substance abuse, or a personality disorder that directly or partly contributes to, and increases the likelihood of, such antisocial behaviours (Pitarro, 2011, in Hutton Haantz, 2003; Reno, 1999). However, this does not mean that all cyber stalkers are like this, in fact the evidence is somewhat inconclusive. Different stalkers, engage in stalking for various reasons like for sexual harassment. Another motive could be the obsession for love. This occurs when one of the partners in a love relation decides to end it, the other does not accept it and thus continues to harass the other partner. One of the main problems with obsessional stalking is that since many times the stalking comes after a real relationship, the stalker has at ones disposal much of the information s/he needs about the victim. Revenge and hate is another major cause for stalking, and many times results after an argument that has gone out of hand. In this case, the stalker does not necessarily need to know the victim but could be just picking on him/her only to let out pent up stress. Finally, a stalker might just want to be able to show-off ones skills for ego boost and show of power (Cyber Crime in India, 2000). Types of stalkers include the rejected stalker, the intimacy seeker, the incompetent suitor, the resentful stalker, and the predatory stalker. Rejected stalkers are characterised by a mix of revenge and desire to reconcile with the victim who is usually a partner or a family member. Intimacy seekers on the other hand try to achieve a relationship with a person that can be a complete stranger and think s/he is reciprocating their affection. Incompetent suitors being socially incompetent try to build a relationship that goes against social courtship rules whilst predatory stalkers gather information in preparation for sexual attachment. Lastly, resentful stalkers specifically harass victims to cause fear and uneasiness as a form of revenge for a supposed humiliation (Mullen, Pathe, Purcell, Stuart, 1999). However, these are not the only types of stalkers. Other types include the delusional stalker, the erotomaniac stalker, the harasser, the love rat, and the trolls. Delusional stalkers many times suffer from a mental illness, usually schizophrenia or manic depression. These due to stoppage of medication may be unable to distinguish between reality and fantasy, and thus their victims are usually also in-danger of losing their sanity as a result of being taken into the stalkers world. This might occur if the stalker knows how to play the part well and appears to be normal. Erotomaniac stalkers are also mentally ill and build up a relationship in their heads. Although not specifically considered as stalkers, harassers are attention-seekers and might victimise anyone who is kind enough to give them attention. Love rats usually come up with a fictitious identity and surf the cyberspace with the intent to start a relationship although having other secret affairs. Trolls like to invent sense less stories/events that are meant to waste the victims time, hurt their feelings, and play victims against each other (Issues related to bullying, 2002). Impact of stalking on victims The victims of stalking are mainly picked because they might be inferior to the stalker, since many stalkers want to be in control (Regehr, n.d.). Victims are many times ex-partners of the stalker (especially if the stalker is a woman) although in cyber stalking 50% of the victims are complete strangers. The preferred victims of a cyber-stalker are women and children, who might be emotionally weak or unstable, but most of all those that are inexperienced with the rules of cyberspace (Thapa, Kumar, 2011). Furthermore, studies show that 83% of stalking victims are females, this mainly is because there are more females online, and many stalkers might seek romance with them. Then if the female ends the relationship, the male stalker may be left with the thirst for revenge. The typical victim is therefore a Caucasian female of between 18 to 32 years. Being part of a minority group such as ethnic/racial minorities, homosexuals, and religious minorities may also cause one to be targeted (T hapa, Kumar, 2011; McFarlane Bocij, 2003). Impacts on stalking victims can be physical, psychological, occupational, and social. It is important to note that although cyber stalking many times consists of the last three, escalation into offline stalking and face-to-face confrontation may cause physical injuries to occur. Victims constantly feel in danger of being attacked. This imposed fear is a result of the tactics that the stalker implements to harass his/her victim (Regehr, n.d.). Fear, anxiety, and apprehension nearing paranoia are the feelings which all victim share. Other victims show symptoms of anger, depression, and helplessness, which might lead to suicidal thoughts (McEwan, Mullen, Purcell, 2007). The victims become hyper vigilant to keep an eye out for the stalker and start to change their habitual routines. When easiness wears away and stress comes into play, the victims anxiety is heightened. S/he will start to be easily startled by minimum movements or noises. Both during the night and during the day, images of the stalker start to engulf the victims thoughts and dreams. The victim will eventually fall into self-reclusion by avoiding communication and by refraining from carrying out activities such as not answering calls or messages, and not venturing outside the house. Long-term stalking will result in further symptoms, this time physical. Sleep disturbances, nausea, upset stomachs, general fatigue, frequent headaches, and the aggravation of pre-existing conditions such as asthma may be also present (Regehr, n.d.). Pathe and Mullen (1997) conducted a study on 100 stalking victims. Damages to property ranging from cars to houses were reported in 36 of the studied cases. In addition to this, 50% of the cases consisted of threats in direct harm to the victims, or their families or friends. However, the victims were assaulted by the stalker in one-third of the cases. Findings also indicated that over 50% of the victims start to drop their attendance records from work or school, some even cease to attend at all. According to the National Violence Against Women Survey conducted by the U.S. Department of Justice (1998), 30% of female and 20% of male victims end-up seeking psychological counselling due to the trauma suffered during victimization (Tjaden Thoennes, 1998). Socially, the victims status is affected negatively especially due to poor attendance, or focus at work. This will eventually cause family or friends to intervene and accompany the victim, at work or at home. With time, the other persons involved, will show symptoms of anger since they are not able to return to their normal lives. This will cause further uneasiness because the anger that should be projected towards the criminal justice systems for being better equipped to counteract this crime is taken on the victim him/herself for being in their current situation (Regehr, n.d.). Laws, law enforcement and safety strategies There are various safety strategies that one can adopt to avoid being stalked. Choosing gender and age ambiguous usernames, not posting personal information online, not sharing passwords, downloading antispyware programs, locking windows and doors, parking cars in illuminated areas, avoiding habitual travelling patterns, and having meetings with unknown persons in public areas, may all minimise the possibility of becoming a victim (Petrocelli, 2005). If these methods are ineffective, victims should always tell the stalker that the communication is undesirable, keep record of any emails, telephone calls, and letters received, contact law enforcement agencies or victim support groups, and change email addresses and telephone numbers (Jaishankar Sankary, 2006). The most important advice is however to never confront the stalker as this will make matters worse. Unfortunately, incidents of stalking and cyber stalking are underreported. This may be due to various reasons such as not being aware that the acts suffered are illegal, the fear of being blamed, fear that the stalker may turn to other family members and friends, threats by the stalker, and believing that nothing can be done (MacKenzie, McEwan, Pathà ©, James, Ogloff, Mullen, 2011). In addition, according to Reno (1999), victims may not seek help because they feel either that certain behaviours suffered from stalking are not serious enough to be reported to law enforcement agencies, or they think that the police force will not take matters seriously. Furthermore, sometimes law enforcement agencies perceive cyber stalking as relatively harmless unless it involves physical contact or threatening behaviour offline, and thus many times just tell victims to switch off computers or abandon computer use and dismiss the victims preoccupations as nuisance (Reno, 1999). Sometimes however, it is not the police agencies fault since unlike in stalking, the evidence in cyber stalking is many times not enough to trace the perpetrator. In addition, many websites do not authenticate user information, and a number of email servers offer stalkers the opportunity to remove identity data for a small fee, thus making it almost impossible for law enforcement to trace the accounts (Reno, 1999). Nowadays, although many countries have set up law enforcement units to deal with cybercrime such as The Cybercrime Unit of the Malta Police Force, the laws still provide many limitations. Jurisdiction limitations make it difficult for law enforcement to investigate the crime if it involves suspects from other countries (Petrocelli, 2005). Another obstacle for the police force is that stalking in itself is not considered a crime under Maltese law and thus certain behaviour cannot be punished if it does not involve; threat, harassment, trespassing, vandalism, physical violence contact, or computer misuse. In addition for an action to be considered a crime, two elements must be present: actus reus and mens rea. Therefore, prosecutors must prove that the culprit had the intent to cause harm. Except for cases when the stalking is done on an ex-partner, this is difficult to prove (Dennison Thomson, 2002). As the technology continues to develop, so will crime such as cyber stalking. Thus since the Internet is becoming more and more integrated into almost every part of human life, simple solutions such as turning off computers will not solve the problem. Instead, the frequent training of law enforcement agencies and the continuous updating of laws will prove to be better countermeasures to such newly developed crimes. Citizens must also learn to protect themselves from the dangers of such crimes by attending educational talks and seminars, cooperating with criminal justice agencies, or even using the computer itself to keep updated with new trends so as to avoid becoming victims of crime.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analysis of the Basketball Free Throw

Analysis of the Basketball Free Throw Analysis of the Basketball Free Throw Abstract The purpose of this paper is to analyze free throw shooting in basketball and to demonstrate the relationship between structural and functional anatomy and movement performance. This paper will discuss the muscles and actions that are important for the movement and how these muscles relate specifically to the movement outcome, limiting/facilitating joints and associated structures. Also discussed is the combination of muscle and joint motions important for movement success. We also briefly discuss the sources of movement failure. The final section of this paper will discuss how this movement is critical for success in sport and what happens with aging, disease, or injury that can compromise function and ability to perform the movement. Introduction The free throw shot is one the most important shots in basketball. In fact, around 20% of all points scored in the NCAA Division 1 are from free throws shots (Kozar, Vaughn, Lord, Whitfield, Dve 243-248). The importance of this shot increases later in the game, because free throws tend to comprise greater percentage of the points that are scored in the last 5 minutes than the initial 35 minutes by either the wining or the losing team (Kozar et al., 123-129). The free throw shot is considered as the easiest shot for a professional basketball player, as the player stands alone, 15 feet away from the hoop with no defense or distraction. The player needs to get ready target, prime the ball and shoot (Okubo Hubbard, 2006). A successful free throw shot requires deep concentration, and most importantly good mechanics to take a perfect shot. While a free throw shot does not seem like an action that needs a lot of movement, muscle groups and joints in a body work together in isotonic contractions, utilizing multiple muscle groups in creating the movement. A free throw shot engages elbow, hip and ankle extensors in addition to wrist and shoulder flexors. In the case of the knees, the joints are hinged and the movement starts with a flexion, preparing for the free throw. Quadriceps and hamstrings become the antagonist and the agonist. This movement happens as you utilize knee flexion so that the muscles work in pairs. Hamstring contraction pulls the joints which makes the individuals bend their knees. The next movement after the flexion is the knee extension. When the shooter releases the ball, the quadriceps is the agonist and the hamstring is the antagonist. The upper body sequence would be: extension of trunk, shoulder flexion that will follow extension of elbow and wrist flexion. A common error during the shot is perfor ming shoulder flexion and elbow extension at once, so that the elbow extension contributes less in taking the shot and is combined with the shoulder flexion rather than adding to the hand velocity. As the ball is brought up with use of both hands, it passes directly in the front of shooter’s eyes and the shot is aimed with the eyes underneath the basketball (Alexander 9). When the trunk moves from its flexed position to an extension, the upward movement of trunk would push down on the lumbar vertebrae, pushing down on the sacroiliac joints, which in turn will push down on the body’s hip joints. Knee joints respond to downward force transmitted by the hips by producing a greater knee flexion. Players who, for various reasons, do not have the needed trunk flexion in this stage of the free throw shot would decrease their ability to load their legs for the shot and consequently might end up losing full contribution of leg extension from the deeply flexed position to free throw. It has been suggested that trunk extension can help in triggering more forceful moment of knee extension. Additionally, a deeper trunk extension produces added hyperextension at the neck area helping the shooter to retain the focus on the rim (Oddsson 109-118). Following the release of the ball, the final phase of a shot, the follow through, occurs. During this time, all joints continue moving through the end of its full motion range following the release of the ball. In a skilled follow through, both legs fully extend and the toes points towards the floor. The trunk is aligned vertically with shooting hip, ankle and the knee. Additionally it aligns with the shooting arm’s joints, bringing the upper and lower extremities into harmony (Alexander, 16). The angle of the shooting shoulder should be somewhere between 140-150degrees of the shoulder flexion. Generally, the closer the shooting arm is to vertical, the greater the amount of vertical force that is applied to the shot. The trunk is often rotated away from shooting hand. This helps in lining up the shooting shoulder and the arm with the rim. This trunk rotation would happen at the moment the ball is released from the shooter’s hand (Alexander, 18). In cases when the ball gets released too late or too early, the ball’s velocity would not optimize as the elbow and wrist joints speed up or slow down rather than staying in the peak velocity. The wrist flexion provides the ultimate thrust for releasing the ball and helps in determining both the angle of projection and velocity of the ball (Martin 127-133).A common failure in free throw technique occurs when joint range of motion does not reach its end point and stops movement early, before the release of the shot, resulting in a decreased velocity of the basketball at the release. As far as joint movement pattern is concerned, there is not a huge difference between the success rate of the shot and the angle of the joint from where the ball is being shot. But, some dissimilarity can be found that could possibly determine the success of scoring a basket. One such dissimilarity is the joint’s peak angular velocity involved in the free throw. The knee, hip and the ankle joints have a higher peak angular velocity in comparison between successful and unsuccessful free throws. Distinctively, the angular velocity of the upper body joints during successful attempts have a lower peak angular velocity than that of missed shots. Additionally, proximal joints that are found closer to the hub and trunk of the body are utilized earlier than the distal joints more commonly associated with the free throw. In sum, movement and energy start from the core and work their way outward towards the distal extremities. Full range of elbow movement relates to greater success in free throw shots. However, it should be noted that this is also accompanied by a slight flexion in individual’s shooting elbow which occurs around mid-range and not at the full extension. By allowing the shooter’s wrist to remaining between full flexion and full extension during the release, maximum velocity can be achieved when the basketball is released (Alexander 10). Unsuccessful shots are often associated with periods of longer muscle activation. Measurement conducted with use electromyography suggests that muscle tension needs to be minimal at the release for successful free throw shooting. Shots that require the least amount of energy expended during the release are the easiest for controlling and have the highest probability for success (Huston Grau 49-64). In addition, height of release is also found to be crucial in success of the shot, as successful shots are related to height ratio that is calculate d by comparison of the shooter’s standing height to the shooter’s release height. The rule is: ‘The higher the release height, the better the shot’ (Hudson 242-251). There are some errors that turn out to be common in Free throw shooting for most individuals. One such reason is poor alignment that happens when shooters fail in lining up the shooting side knee, hip, shoulder and elbow with a line through the ball towards the basket. Another common reason is lack of backspin that happens when players apply side spin during the release or avoid any spin at the time of release. Having low arc on the shot makes players, who have insufficient shoulder trunk or elbow extension, flexion at the time of release making the ball release too flat. Relaxation of the shooting arm is needed at time of shot, with only active mover muscles needing to be contracted while complimentary muscles should be relaxed and loose. Full follow through is important as players need to finish their in the goose full-neck position of their shooting hand with arms pointing towards the ceiling and hands pointing at the basket. Some other reasons for failure are interference of non- shooting hand, shooting ball too hard, high tension on the shooting arm, taking off the shot angle and leaning at the time of release (Alexander 17-18). As mentioned in the introduction, free throw shot are considered as some of the easiest shots for a professional basketball player to make. However, a decline in performance is witnessed in the free throw attempts of basketball athletes in their post-injury and aging days. This drop-off in free throw attempt numbers is also demonstrated in abysmal shot rates, plummeting usage rates and inability to create their own offense. Taken as a whole there is an expected and obvious drop in the efficiency of almost all athletes as they get grow old and start sustaining injuries. The reason behind this is simple physiology, as the body starts aging the ligaments and tendons start losing water, making them less elastic and more fragile. Knee troubles are common trouble for most experienced and newly retired basketball players as with age knee troubles start to disturb athletes (Wagner). Conclusion Every muscle in human body comprises of a network of fibers that are responsible for certain types of movements. When a human body engages in playing a game like basketball, these muscle fibers start to make the movements in conjunction with directions from your brain. This is seen functions like dribbling, running, passing, catching, rebounding, dunking and of course hitting free throws. The actions taken causes muscle contractions, that is, specific movement to lengthen, shorten and stay the same. While the free throw shot does not seem like an action that needs a lot of movement, muscle groups and joints in the body work together in isotonic contractions, creating the movement and allowing the body to perform even the most routine and fundamental actions. Works Cited Kozar, B., Vaughn, R. E., Lord, R. H., Whitfield, K. E. Basketball free-throw performance: practice implications. Journal of Sport Behavior. 18.2 (1995): 123-129. Kozar, B., Vaughn, R. E., Lord, R. H., Whitfield, K. E., Dve, B. â€Å"Importance of free throws at various stages of basketball games†. Perceptual and Motor Skills. 78.1 (1994): 243-248. Okubo, H., Hubbard, M. (2006). Dynamics of the basketball shot with application to the free throw. Journal of Sport Sciences, 24(12), 1303-1314. Alexander, M. Mechanics of the Basketball Free Throw. University of Manitoba., n.d. Web. 10 Mar. 2014. Hess, C. â€Å"Analysis of the jump shot†. Athletic Journal, 61.3 (1980): 30-32. Martin, T. P. â€Å"Movement analysis applied to the basketball jump shot†. Physical Educator, 38.3 (1981): 127-133. Huston, R. L., Grau, C. A. â€Å"Basketball shooting strategies- the free throw, direct shot and layup†. Sports Engineering. 6.1 (2003): 49-64. Oddsson, L. â€Å"Co-ordination of a simple voluntary multi-joint movement with postural demands: trunk extension in standing man†. Acta Physiol Scand. 134.1 (1988): 109-118. Hudson, J. L. â€Å"Coordination of segments in the vertical jump†. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, 18.2 (1986): 242-251. Wagner, K. â€Å"How An Achilles Tear Affects NBA Players (Or, Why Kobe Is Screwed)†. Regressing. 15 Apr 2013. Web. 10 Mar 2014.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Rainman Essay -- essays research papers

Barry Levinson brings us a Raymond, very moving character in the movie Raymond Babbitt. Raymond is a grown man that is Autistic. Raymond may be grown up but he lacks certain sociable skills, making communication very difficult. He has a hard time understanding and answer questions. Because of Raymond’s handicap he is unable to progress into a new person. Raymond’s limitations give the movie boundaries. Levinson uses the idea of not allowing this character to change to affect the other characters in this story. The character that is most affected is Raymond’s brother, Charlie. At the beginning Charlie is frustrated and short on cash, his father has died and Charlie received no inheritance, his father had left it all to Charlie’s unknown brother, Raymond. When Charlie first meets Raymond he thinks it is a big joke, the way Raymond acts. Although, all he can seem to think about is why no one ever told him that he had a brother. Charlie makes it out to seem li ke he really wants to take Raymond in with him and take care of him, at this point Charlie is taking Raymond from the institute where he is being taken care of in hopes of trading Raymond back for part of his inheritance. When he is refused, Charlie runs off with Raymond beginning a cross-country journey that would change Charlie completely. The beginning of the movie shows Charlie as a money motivated guy. He was only in it for the quick buck, you soon find out that his business is suffering and is having many problems. T...

Sunday, August 18, 2019

net bans :: essays research papers

In July of 1995, Florida put into effect a new law banning the use of gill nets in all inshore water of Florida. The law contained two significant provisions: 1) some non-gill nets would be allowed, but maximum size would now be limited to 500 square feet; and 2) unemployment compensation would be available to affected netters through a 20 million dollar fund set aside to purchase the nets that would be made obsolete(Stearns, par.5). This ban on nets has led to a dramatic comeback for a variety of fish species, including the Spanish mackerel and Florida mullet. In the following essay I intend to show the ban laws, what they encompass whom they affected, as well as their reaction. Most importantly, I intend to show the ban has made an overall improvement on Florida's marine environment. Over the past 100 years, Florida has been known for having some of the best recreational fishing as well as marine environments. Locals and tourists alike could pick any given day to spend on the water and return with a wide variety of game fish. Unfortunately, over the past decade this trend has been on the decline. The cause of this decrease in the population of Florida's marine environment as well as in other parts of the world, is the indiscriminate use of the monofilament fishing net (par.2). One of the areas that have seen just how destructive these nets can be, is the Florida Coast. In 1990, commercial gill-netters harvested 26 million pounds of mullet (DeYoung, par.56). In 1994, Florida's became alarmed when the mullet spawning population plummeted to about 15 percent of normal. They also felt the impact this loss of forage food had on game fish. One of the largest causes of this plummet is the lucrative market in the Far East for mullet row, which had almost completely decimated Florida's stock of these fish (Stearns, par.2-3). Due to this large decline, the Florida Marine Fisheries Commission (MFC) placed restrictions on recreational and commercial harvest of mullet. In 1992, recreational fishermen were now limited to fifty fish per boat per day, with no size limit, while commercial fishermen have no "bag limit", but are required to release any mullet under eleven inches in length. The results of the restrictions lowered the harvest on mullet by recreational fishermen from four million to one million pounds. There was a 75 percent reduction in recreational harvest as a result of the FMC's restrictions.

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave: The Ev

Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave: A Perspective on the Evils of Slavery The institution of slavery defies the very nature of humanity, truth, and intellect from both the slave and the slave owner. Throughout the "Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass, an American Slave; the terrible relationship between ignorance and suppression is seen time and time again with every one of his owners. Douglass is fortunate in discovering the liberating power of knowledge of which his owners are trying so diligently to conceal. With this discovery comes a "new conception" of just how evil the institution of slavery is, causing Douglass to consider the pursuit of this powerful tool. To further complicate his battle against ignorance, Douglass's pathway to enlightenment and ultimately freedom leads him to discover the many other cruel methods that his suppressors use to break the essential and most important component of humanity, the soul. The practice of turning people into slaves can almost be looked at as evil science that begins its manipulations on what humans are most familiar with from the start, physical suffering. Douglass speaks of this early on and makes known that it is an ever-present tool used by his suppressors. Douglass was lucky not to be whipped very often by his early masters, but mentions that he, like many other young lave children, always suffered from the "hunger and cold" (Lauter 1773). Especially during his early years on Colonel Lloyd's plantation, his narration recalls many accounts of whipping, killing, and torture that he observed and heard of on the plantation. Sadly, he begins to notice and even accept common traits possessed by his overseers. For example, one of... ...rkness" (Lauter 1777). Interestingly, it is the innocent minds of children who are not totally corrupted by these ways of thinking yet, that help Douglass continue his goal to read. The heartless act and "irresponsible power" of holding a slave is an evil practice that contradicts the natural good of a human soul. This Narrative gives one a new perspective on the evils of slavery and the terrible way it affects every one who is involved. The ignorance and physical abuse of the slave is the essential means by which this practice survived for too long. Douglass gives us proof of this in his experiences he endured in overcoming these obstacles and makes us aware of the power that knowledge holds, of both freedom and slavery. Bibliography Lauter, Paul. The Heath Anthology of American Literature Ed III., Vol I, 1998 Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Rebellion in Hunger Games

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins is written in the voice of 16-year-old Katniss Everdeen, who lives in the post-apocalyptic nation of Panem, where the countries of North America once existed. The Capitol, a highly advanced metropolis, exercises government power on the rest of the nation. The Hunger Games are an annual event in which one boy and one girl aged 12–18 from each of the twelve districts surrounding the Capitol are selected by lottery to compete in a televised battle to the death.The main idea in the book was teenage rebellion which is shown by Katniss where she and Peeta change the rules at the final moments of the Hunger Games. Peeta and Katniss decide not to fight each other to see who will win the Games, but instead to deny the Gamemakers any winner at all by eating some poisonous berries in a double suicide attempt. As Katniss said † Without a victor, the whole thing would blow up in the Gamemakers' faces. They'd have failed the Capitol. Might possibly even be executed, slowly and painfully while the cameras broadcast it to every screen in the country†.Instead of allowing the pair to kill themselves, the Gamemakers change the rules of the game once again and declare both Peeta and Katniss winners. The double suicide attempt is an act of rebellion towards the Capitol. Even after she's out of the arena, Katniss fears that the Capitol will somehow punish her subversive behavior with the power the government has over them. In reality, teenage rebellion isn't always negative and can be positive like what Katniss and Peeta have done to save their lives. Katniss also shows teenage rebellion where she sacrifices her life on a daily basis by going into the woods to provide for her family.With hunting being illegal and holds high consequences with the chance of getting caught she and Gale sacrifice their lives to hunt and to bring food for their family. Her courage to provide for her family shows that she is independent. In the movie she slips through wire fences to meet Gale becuase she feels like its her job to provide becuase she doesnt know any other way to. Covering Rue with flowers is an intense act of rebellion against the Capitol. The experience of witnessing Rue's death inspires Katniss to go on and win the Games and to prove to the Capitol that they can't strip the tributes of their humanity.By calling attention to the sacrifice that Rue made during the Hunger Games, Katniss challenges the idea that Hunger Games – and the people who play them – are mere entertainment for the audiences back in the Capitol. For Katniss, Rue isn't simply a character on a television show. She is a human being who is worthy of respect, admiration, and mourning. When she says â€Å"I want to do something, right here, right now, to shame them, to make them accountable, to show the Capitol that whatever they do or force us to do that there is a part of every tribute they can't own. That Rue was more than a piece in their Games. And so am I. â€Å"

Friday, August 16, 2019

Organizational Essay

Table of Contents Introduction Organizational culture is an important part of any organization, for this is the principles a company stand for. Without a strong, stable culture, an organization is sure to fail sooner than later. I will now discuss the subjects briefly mentioned in assignment 1. 1. The organizational culture of the organization where I work: 1. 1. A) Definition of Organizational culture and 4 types of cultures. Organizational culture refers to the shared values, norms, visions, symbols, beliefs, habit, working language between people sharing a working environment. There are, according to (Greenberg, 2011) four types of organizational cultures that exist. (Control) Hierarchy culture: These are typically large, bureaucratic corporations where smooth production, without wasted time is important. Stability, control, internal focus, standardization and integration are key principles to this system. Leaders in such a system should organize, monitor and coordinate the people and process thoroughly. (Compete) Market culture: These organizations are also concerned with stability and control, but rather than focusing on internal factors, they focus on external. This system is concerned with competition. They look at all the other organizations competing in the same market and then focus on their relationships- or transactions with suppliers, customers, contractors, unions, legislators, consultants, regulators etc. They believe that they’ll achieve success by focusing on effective relations (external). (Collaborate) Clan culture: Inward focus is important, same as the hierarchy system, however clan cultures emphasizes flexibility rather than control and rigidness. At such organizations, the well-being of workers comes first. It is said that people working in a clan-cultural environment feel related to their co-workers due to the warm, friendly nature. (Create) Adhocracy: This culture refers to the opposite of bureaucracy, focusing on flexibility and the external environment. It’s all about opportunities, problem-solving and outcome. These type of companies should always be up to date regarding development and technology. Typical example of such organizations is software-developing companies. The culture of the organization where I work: The organizational culture at my company is the Create or Adhocracy culture (defined above) According to Waterman’s theory (cited in Greenberg, 2011) an Adhocracy culture goes beyond the ordinary bureaucratic lines to capture opportunities, solve problems and get results. In my organization, we focus on innovation and creativity. Team work is essential, because software engineers have to split up the work due to the work-load. 2. How are new employees accommodated in the organization? Accommodation can refer to special needs of some employees or just taking account and respecting all members’ race, ethnic group, color, nationality, social origin, religion, age, marital status, sexual orientation, sex, opinions, family status and source of income. In my company, respect is a very important aspect, we accept every member the way they are. Supporting each other rather than rejecting. (Denison, 1990). In my organization, we use a process called â€Å"Onboarding†. Onboarding is the process whereby information, training, mentoring and coaching is provided to new members. This makes new members feel welcome and informed. This also increases productivity from the beginning, reduces costs due to flaws and saves co-workers training time. According to (Parker, 1993) this process includes four stages to let new employees â€Å"onboard†. Acquiring is the first step we use in the onboarding process: In this first step, newcomers will be introduced to co-workers. The group in which the employee will work is already decided before his/ her arrival. The employee will now get the opportunity to talk to other group members to create a mental picture of what the work will include. Accommodation is the next step, new employees are provided with all the necessary resources to make their working experience pleasant. In my company, new employees get a computer, which stays at the office at all times. This computer will have all the newest software on it, ensuring that the employee can do the tasks effectively without any discomfort. Assimilation is step 3 of onboarding. The intern will now be allocated to a more experienced member. This member will show the intern around, showing him where everything is and given him a crash-course about what will be expected of him. The intern can now shadow the person to get the hang of things. Please do note that the newcomer is expected to have all the skills needed to obtain this job. Like the necessary degrees etc. , which was considered before appointing the job to the person? Acceleration: In this stage, new members engage in their working tasks, still learning as they go, but now they are able to feel comfortable in their working environment. In this stage the results are brought to the table and fairly employees now have the chance to perform and show everybody what their made of. 3. How my organizational culture can be improved: Before discussing the stages I shall take to do so, there are a few core principles that should be in place. Values are the first, which means the core values and believes of the company should be spelled out very clearly. All employees should know what the company stands for. Second are goals. When everyone knows what the goals and milestones of the company are, they know what is expected of them. Consistency is the next fundamental point- keeping the standards and goals high. Communication, important in every aspect of life is also important to improve the culture in organizations. The last point is celebration- everybody needs some reward for good work done. This will motivate employees to work hard to reach the upcoming goals and having fun in the workplace is fundamental. (Denison , 1990). The above is not the strategies I will follow to improve my organizational culture, its important elements that forms the basis of a good organizational culture. The stages of improvement include strategies to spread the culture throughout the company and beyond the borders of the company and let everyone be aware of them. I believe through doing that, the culture will improve. Here follows 6 strategies Symbols: Symbols are, according to (Ornstein, 1986) those objects, not needing words to be described. The symbols of an organization can rest in the waiting room, the size of the building, the awards hanging around, the atmosphere when you walk into the doors etc. these symbols let you know what the company is all about. Thus, it spells out the organizational culture. Slogans- Phrases that summarize the organizational culture: Slogans are those catchy tunes or saying things unique to a certain company. The slogan can tell you a lot about the companies’ culture, because the companies â€Å"heart† is captures in a few phrases. Thus, the employees and public can grasp the essence of the organizations- whereas the culture is improved. Stories: These are the re-authoring of important and catchy moments in the company’s history. The telling of these stories can re-introduce important values to employees. (Martin, 1982). These stories might be told in a formal way (in a meeting) or informally (employees drinking coffee). These stories remind employees how â€Å"we use to do it around here† and indirectly creating some expectations or guidelines. Through this the employees get a clear understanding of what the company cherishes. Jargon: These are the everyday language used in the company. Companies may also create their own phrases or words, which are understood by each other. These jargons might become unique to this company, but may also spread out to the public, making the company â€Å"famous† for their unique words. According to (Carroll. 1993) Jargons are especially popular in the high-tech world (like my company is). Ceremonies: These special events celebrate whatever it is that it most essential to the company. By looking at the reason for celebration, you will get to know the core beliefs and values of a company. Therefore, by hosting ceremonies, the employees and public can see what is valued the most. This will strengthen the culture of the organization. Lastly is Statements of Principle: Defining culture through writing: This means bringing forward a statement of principle. In this statement lie the core values of your company, reinforcing and clarifying the qualities of the company. (Carroll, 1993). Bibliography Carroll, P. (1993). Big blues: The unmaking of IBM. New York: Crown. Denison, R (1990). Corporate culture and organizational effectiveness (3rd ed. ) Oxford, England: John Wiley & Sons. Greenberg, J (2011). Behavior in Organizations. Martin, J. (1982). Stories and scripts in organizational settings. In A. Hastorf & A. Isen (Eds. ), Cognitive social psychology (pp 255-306). New York: Elsevier-North Holland. Ornstein, S. L. (1986). Organizational symbols: A study of their meanings and influences on perceived psychological climate. In J. Greenberg, Behavior in Organizations (p 520). London: Pearson Publications. Parker, M (1993). Postmodernism and organizations. Sage Publications ltd.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Entity Selection Essay

Facts: After 20+ years of working for other firms, Penelope (enrolled agent, age 41), Mark (CPA, age 43), and John (CVA, age 65) want to leave the firms they are currently employed by and become their own bosses. Penelope specializes in taxes, Mark is the auditor, and John is a business valuation expert. There are so many options available as to how they can structure the new business. The appropriate business entity for any individual(s) will depend on their particular facts and circumstances. You are a valued colleague and friend of this threesome, and they have come to you seeking advice as to how to structure their new business. They have the knowledge to figure it out themselves but are looking for the advice of an unbiased third party. Please consider the following tax and nontax considerations as you recommend an entity choice to Penelope, Mark, and John. Part I: Discuss the various forms of organization that are available to Penelope, Mark, and John. In general terms, the entity that you will be choosing will be some form of partnership. In broad definition, a partnership is defined as a single business where two or more people share ownership, with each partner bringing specific contributions to the business. Since each member of the partnership will be taking on specific functions and liability with the partnership, it is extremely important that all agree on the specific structure that the partnership will take. The purpose of this memo is to provide an educated and unbiased opinion on what structure that partnership should take. Partnerships are commonly organized as General Partnerships, Joint Ventures, or Limited Partnerships (limited liability). For the purposes of this memo, we will stick to forms of Limited Partnerships as the current economic climate necessitates a business structure that limits the liability of its owners. Common forms of Limited Partnerships are Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP), Limited Liability Company (LLC), S Corporations (S Corp), and C Corporations (C Corp). Limited Liability Partnerships (LLP) are similar to general  partnerships with the exception that they allow two classes of partners: those with full management control and those with no personal interest or liability beyond their investment (1). On the other hand, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) is a flexible form of business arrangement that melds characteristics of both partnerships and corporate structures. It is technically not a corporation, but a legal form of business entity that provides limited liability to its owners. Each owner in an LLC is considered a â€Å"member†, with profits and losses being â€Å"passed throu gh to their personal tax returns (2). An S Corporation (S Corp) is a type of corporation that is created through a special tax election. This election is beneficial when it comes to avoiding double-taxation. If a business is able to meet the S Corporation criteria, it will be able to reap the primary advantage of an S Corp which is tax savings. This is due to the fact that an S Corporation allows its employees to take a â€Å"reasonable† salary, limiting the income subject to income taxes and saving the rest of the corporation’s profits to be taxed at a lower rate as a â€Å"distribution† (3). Finally, a C Corporation (C Corp) is a separate legal structure formed for a business, protecting ownership and their personal assets from judgments against the company. It is a much more time consuming process to form a C Corporation, as the structure must include shareholders, officers, and directors. Often times, the drawbacks of double – taxation and administrative issues cause small business owners to seek other alternatives (4). Part II: Make your recommendation as to what form of organization you believe will be best, and be sure to explain the reasoning for your choice. After careful consideration, it is my opinion that the best business structure for your new venture would be to form and Limited Liability Company (LLC). This structure will provide the company with adequate protection while also establishing safeguards for each member and his or her personal assets. In this arrangement, each member will be removed from the consequences that could result from another member’s misconduct or negligence. I place particular emphasis on this fact because I know that all three of you are personal friends outside of the work environment, and I do not want there to be hesitation on anyone’s part regarded the business for fear of damaging  the friendship. In addition to the advantages named above, the LLC will allow each member to have clearly defined roles and management duties, as well as clearly defined ownership stakes and shares of profits and losses. As we will discuss in the coming sections, the formation of the Operating Agreement for the LLC will help to clearly establish these roles, allowing each of you to focus solely on your aspect of the business and allowing it to run as smoothly as possible (5). Part III: Discuss the tax consequences of contributing cash, property, and/or services to the new entity. Ordinarily, there are no tax consequences on contributions of property or services to a Limited Liability Company. Typically, members can utilize the tax treatment provided by IRC Section 721(a) when it comes to the contribution of property to an LLC. This section states that no loss or gain shall be to the partnership or any of its members in the case of contribution of property to the partnership in exchange for an interest in the partnership (6). However, there are exceptions to this rule, particularly when the contribution is an attempt to disguise the sale of property to avoid taxation. In these circumstances, the contributing member would have a taxable gain when the sale is completed (7). Cash contributions have similar treatment. They are given in exchange for ownership interest, and as a result, they are not taxable. Part IV: Discuss, in detail, how this entity is taxed (if at all) and what filing requirements it has with the IRS. Assuming you will not be making an election to be treated as a corporation (this would require becoming an S Corp or C Corp) the Limited Liability Company will be treated as a partnership. In other words, the LLC is treated by default as a â€Å"pass through† entity, meaning each member will be responsible for his or her portion of the profits on their personal income taxes. All partnerships are required to file Form 1065 with the IRS. This form is the U.S. Return of Partnership Income and it demonstrates the income, gains, losses, deductions, and credits from the operation of the partnership (in this case, the LLC). Each member’s share of profits will be outlined by the Operating Agreement, which we will discuss further in the next section. Should your LLC decide to split profits and losses in a manner that does not match up  with each member’s percentage interest, then you will need to request a special allocation from the IRS (8). Part V: Discuss how income and distributions may or will be allocated to Penelope, Mark, and John. Income and distributions will be allocated to each member through the Operating Agreement. In an LLC, the Operating Agreement allows its members to structure the financial and working arrangements in a way that suits the business and each member. In this agreement, the members establish each owner’s percentage ownership of the LLC, his or her share of profits and losses, the rights and responsibilities of each member, and what will happen to the business if one member decides to leave (9). It also helps to establish the framework for providing each member with a capital account for their portion of ownership. For example, Penelope’s percentage ownership in the LLC may be defined by the percentage of capital she contributes (be it cash, property, etc.) to the business. In turn, this established ownership percentage can be used to determine what proportion of the LLC’s profits she is entitled to receive. Part VI: Discuss, in detail, how the individuals are taxed (if at all) with respect to the net profits from this entity and what filing requirements they will each have with the IRS. As mentioned previously, a Limited Liability Company is considered a â€Å"pass through† entity unless it makes a special corporate election to be treated otherwise. By utilizing a Limited Liability Company, you are required to report your individual share of profit or loss from the business on your personal tax return. The Limited Liability Company will provide each member with a Schedule K-1, which demonstrates each member’s share of income, credits, and deductions for the partnership. Each member is then required to report these amounts for both federal and state taxation on their individual Form 1040 and Schedule E (8). Another important note to consider when it comes to individual taxation of Limited Liability Company members is the fact that each member is considered self-employed. As a result, each member must remember to make estimated tax payments for income and self-employment taxes on a quarterly basis. Failure to do so may result in penalties on your personal income tax return (8). Part VII: Discuss how Penelope, Mark, and John will calculate their basis in the new entity. Be sure to include the impact that debt has on basis, if any. As previously mentioned, the Operating Agreement will help to determine each member’s basis in the new Limited Liability Company. In general, the tax basis of a member with an interest in an LLC will be equal to the value of any cash or property the member contributed to the LLC. The value of these contributions is shown on the LLC’s balance sheet in the form of capital accounts for each member. IRC Section 752 describes the regulations involved in treating liabilities (debt) with regards to basis or stake in the partnership. Using this rule, any increase in a partner’s share of the liabilities of a partnership shall be considered a contribution of money by said partner to the partnership (10). With regards to loans made by a member to the partnership, there are special circumstances to consider. While the loan itself will be treated as a contribution and effectively increase the member’s proportional share of ownership, the member will also be given the treatment of a creditor if the business were to ever be liquidated. Creditors stand a much better chance of being able to recover a portion of their investment into the LLC than the other members. Part VIII (Limited Liability): Discuss the exposure that Penelope, Mark, and John’s personal assets will have to the debts and lawsuits of the entity you have recommended. As we have discussed throughout this memo, the formation of a Limited Liability Company limits the exposure of its members to their percentage of ownership or equity interest in the company. This protects the member’s assets in the event of a business related lawsuit or other form of legal action against the company. In other words, each member’s exposure will be limited to a fixed sum, akin to the value of the individual’s investment into the company. In addition, this means that each member will not be personally liable for the debts of the company. This is a key difference between the Limited Liability Company and other forms of General Partnerships, as members who organize their business in the structure of the latter have unlimited liability (11). References 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Chinese Qing official vs. Japanese Meiji

Much have been told about the historical background of China and Japan, particularly on the part of their history that the Western powers intruded their land.Also, versions have been aired countless times on who really had the best policy or the best response towards the invasion of the Western powers. China claimed they are. Japan claimed they are.The debate below is hypothetically set after the Opium War when China was again subjected to Western subjugation while claiming that they had the best response towards Western invasion. Japan, on the other hand, claims the same thing.Opium WarDuring about 1830s, the Chinese government exerted much effort in halting the illegal smuggling of opium products by the Western, particularly the British. Apart from the unhealthy effects of opium smoking among the Chinese, there was a considerably economic damage that happened mainly caused by the â€Å"drainage of cash silver† from China to be paid for the illegal imports[1].The trades striv ed for a long time as millions and millions among the Chinese (simultaneous with the corruption among custom officials) got addicted to the illegal imported product. In 1838, the Chinese emperor finally did something for the illegal trade to stop—or to try to stop, at least.Given the situation, the emperor had no choice but to resort in to some sort of repression and suppression among the people of China. The emperor ordered summary executions of Chinese drug traffickers.But then, the British government still allowed the importation of the â€Å"addictive† and illegal products. The situation made the ire the Chinese government and resorted to the evil atâ€Å"CHINESE QING OFFICIAL VS. JAPANESE MEIJI† PAGE#2its roots. It was during the time of Lin Tse-hsu, the special Imperial Commissionerwhen the rage heated up.   The Opium War was just an introduction into more complicated events that came.Below are the hypothetical claims of both China and Japan of which of them employed or implemented the best response or policy towards the Western invasion after the Opium War while their country faced the threat of further invasion.Letter to Japanese Meiji (from a Chinese Qing Official)ATTENTION: MEIJI EMPEROR OF JAPANThis letter is intended to be read by any Japanese Meiji official. This is to manifest that it was China, particularly us, the Qing dynasty who did the best response towards the Western invasion after the Opium War.I am writing this letter not just to boast but to put everything in place.China has been described by some historical accounts as a country which has been found to have a string of â€Å"humiliating defeats.† This speaks very well on the part of the history timeline when Japan and the Western powers claimed victory over the domination of some parts of China.And I think it is about time to correct what has been said against China although some people do not consider history as an important matter.In terms of internation al strategy and ideal response, I can proudly claim that the Qing emperor’s response or policy was the best way against the Western invasion.The Qing emperor was determined to maintain the autonomy of China and to protect China from further invasions especially of the Western powers. Also in the nineteenth century, China experiences setbacks in it economy. In the same time period, China tradingâ€Å"CHINESE QING OFFICIAL VS. JAPANESE MEIJI† PAGE#3system was monopolized by the Portuguese and then Spanish, French, and British traders followed the trend. [2]China stood firm against further invasion, so in the trading system, the West was pushed to follow certain trading guidelines which were centuries-old guidelines imposed by the Chinese.[1] Ha, Zhang. â€Å"Understand and Treat with Historical Issues Correctly†.   2005. April 14 2007. .[2] Chinese Repository. Vol. 8, February 1840.   

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Interwar Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Interwar - Essay Example Everybody concentrated on war, which subsequently bred mistrust among countries thereby paralyzing conducive relationships for business. Such precarious times discouraged effective economic activities resulting in a number of world economic disasters. One such disaster was the Great Depression; countries had concentrated all their efforts on the war. Countries had spent billions of dollars purchasing firearms and in the training soldiers, nobody at such times considered the economic repercussions of the exorbitant military spending that the world’s major economies such as the United States of American and the Soviet Union had undertaken. It is only after the war that the countries realized that they had spent more on military at the expense of other sectors of the economy. Furthermore, the war had bred unfriendly relationship between the countries. The regional alignment of countries resulted in the East locking themselves away from the Wets thereby curtailing all business rel ationships between the countries. ... â€Å"Before the war, while most European countries had acquired the constitutional governing systems of some kind, many of these were actually far from being actual democracies† (Martin 312).This implied that the countries had weaker economies and could not possibly afford the cost of the war. However, their participation on the war were inevitable and most countries invested larger amounts of both financial and human resources on the war at the expense of the economy. Combining the political instability of such countries to the implications of the war therefore resulted in a chaotic and unsustainable economic system thereby resulting in the great depression. The First World War lasted for three years a period within which minimal economic activity took place. The world took place in several battlegrounds such as Japan, Italy and Germany and in a number of countries within the Soviet Union. During the wars, such regions therefore became inaccessible and unconducive for any ec onomic activity such as either agriculture or trade. Furthermore, the concern of most governments was on how to save the civilians some of who were dying from the effects of the war and hunger. Three years without a reliable economic activity was likely to bear serious consequences on the countries including those not directly affected by the war. Countries therefore resorted to radical economic policies in the period preceding the war in an attempt to uplift their dwindling economies. The USSR for example implemented a five year plan through which it sought to revamp its economic power and in so doing alleviate the living standards of its people. â€Å"The party

Overcomming adversity Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Overcomming adversity - Essay Example Some are learning disabled. How we overcome these adversities in the traditional classroom marks our teaching effectiveness. As a teacher I am going to try my best to embrace diversity and different methods of learning in every way. This is just one experience but there is diversity in the way we learn, our socio-economic backgrounds, our ethnic backgrounds – The list can go on forever. I am going to give it my all to teach to the individual while creating a cohesive classroom where nobody feels left out and everyone feels like a little part of them as become a process of group learning in a positive way. Diversity is what makes life interesting and I plan to continue to emphasize this in each lesson plan I create! I plan to connect, not disconnect, ALL of my student’s to the curriculum. Only be embracing diversity can we overcome adversity in the classroom. A key way of overcoming adversity is to embrace online learning. This helps learning disabled students as it prov ides a better learning forum for them. Online education has undergone vast improvements over the last decade. Initially online courses were not acknowledged to the level that they are today. It was rare for a college or university to offer an online course. Today the case is a lot different. Far more than half of the universities and colleges offer online education. Over the years progression has lead to two different types of online models.

Monday, August 12, 2019

Enterprise Systems Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Enterprise Systems - Essay Example Examples of enterprise systems are email systems, project management systems and other productivity monitoring tools that would include workflow systems and accounting systems. Enterprise Systems in general are implemented to save on cost of implementation and maintenance. It is also adopted to ensure that independent island systems are prevented from proliferating in a large corporation intending to have a homogenous system that would cater to the needs of every employee of the company. Enterprise systems can also have modules that are exclusively used by certain departments or sections if not divisions within a company. Enterprise Systems Enterprise Systems are software specifically designed to address if not provide enterprise or corporate solutions to business challenges that would include productivity, timely reporting, and accurate reporting (Giachetti, 2010). Software applications are essential business tools that enable companies to gather data at the front end for processing or posting and converted into reports as part of the decision support systems. However, there are instances that needs for output and productivity are overtaken by exigency at the expense of accuracy. Such instances breed island systems that are difficult to dismantle and most of the time has incompatible output format to other systems. To illustrate: an accounting systems that only display its output on the screen and not dump into a file is considered an island system that has an incompatible output with other reporting system. Making use of the output of an island system in order for it to be usable by other systems could require additional steps that could make the whole process cumbersome and may result to lost time if not inaccurate data. Enterprise Systems normally have a common repository of data that can be the primary source of reports and inputs to other systems. An example of these types of system is the Enterprise Resource Planning software that would include accountin g modules, productivity monitoring modules and reporting packages. The reporting package for its part makes use of the common data created and updated by front end modules to create reports that would assist decision makers in making business decisions. Aside from the benefits described above another value that can be considered essential for large organization is the reduced cost of implementation and maintenance of an enterprise system since it is more cost effective. It should be noted that each island systems require several experts or skill set that would include operating system and systems administration expertise from where the island system is installed at or in, whereas an enterprise system would only require a single set of skills systems group (Maier, Hadrich, & Peinl, 2005). Considering that each island systems normally needs its own set of servers, whereas an enterprise solution will only require a single platform the cost of ownership is reduced drastically. The same is true if the infrastructure requirement of the island system includes its own user terminal which will result for each employee having several terminals on his or her desk or one terminal for every island systems. The cost of licensing island system is normally more expensive since the technology used is either proprietary or can only be used by software developed by the company that owns the licensing rights of the island system. Another value for the organization is the elimination of conversion or data scrubbing that will increase productivity for employees creating the reports. Since there will be little to no human intervention in the generation of reports including

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

Human Rights - Essay Example In addition to these, the power possessed by people of any nation determines whether the people exercise their rights, or not. Simplifying and reducing the number of human rights would not work to the advantage of humanity. The human rights as they are can be easily understood by any human being, hence no need for further simplification. On the other hand, reducing the number of human rights would omit important issues, which stand central to the dignity of man. Therefore, adjustments to the human rights would lead to greater harm than good. In my opinion, female genital mutilation accounts for the biggest human rights challenge of our time. Girls and women are denied their rights through the violence involved in the practice. The act also denies them their physical, as well as mental integrity. This follows the fact that people still practice it in the secrecy of their homes. The various cultures, especially in Africa and the Middle East that advocate for this practice do it without raising an alarm to the outside communities. The girls and women involved in the act take an oath of secrecy; hence, most people do not report the vice. The secrecy emanates from the fight against the many non-governmental organizations, and governments that seek to abolish the act (Snarr & Snarr, slide 8). Consequent to these, efforts aimed at eradicating such abuse of human rights continues to fail, which makes female genital mutilation the biggest human rights challenge of our

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Google Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Google - Essay Example For example, in the third quarter of 2007 alone, Google hired 2130 people to ensure that it had the best brains and the smartest people on board its corporate engine.(Dignan, 2007). As Dignan (2007) has pointed out, employment at Google is largely centred around work on the search engine and ad words; as a result a slow down in business, such as the current recessionary period, could affect the Company adversely. But the Company’s recruitment and HRM policies have been strongly focused on pulling in the best and smartest people into the organization, because of its recognition that innovation is the driving factor ensuring success in the IT business today. One of the reasons for Google’s spiraling success is its thrust on innovation and the belief that good ideas can, and should, come from anywhere.(Business Week, 2005). Engineers in the company are allowed a day off in a week to work on their pet projects and there is a high level of receptivity from the upper echelons of management to new and innovative ideas. By constantly staying on the cutting edge of innovation, the company has been able to sustain itself as the market leader through the development of new products and services. There is no strict hierarchical structure in place at Google and the corporate environment is characterized by informal networking, such that the CEO Eric Schmidt himself, is approachable to every employee, who is at liberty to pitch a new sales or networking/IT idea to him anytime. Google’s HRM policy is different from other organizations, characterized by the high level of informality and networking, which is a very successful business policy insofar as Google is concerned. Since the products and services in the IT business can be easily replicated by competitors who can put out their version of a product or service, the cutting edge in this business lies in the development of innovative new